Based on the texts of interpersonally-mass communication, which is implemented by bloggers and commentators on the Yandex.Zen platform, the stability of gender stereotypes about the difference in friendly relations depending on the gender of participants is considered. The article demonstrates the absence of bias in the image of «male» and «female» friendship by bloggers at the level of means of language expression and the implementation of integrative or disintegrative communicative attitudes. The article postulates the convergence of the content of the «male» and «female» variants of the «friendly» text in the structural and semantic relation in the presence of pronounced stylistic and functional variability. Statistically significant differences are revealed in readers’ reactions to the gender differentiation of messages, but not in terms of content, but in terms of the author's marking of the gender of the intended addressee by linguistic and extralinguistic means. Based on the totality of the results, the conclusion is made about the gradual rehabilitation of female friendship in the picture of the world of modern person.
friendship, gender, stereotypes, representations, Yan-dex.Zen, content analysis.