Book review: Comparative perspectives on gender equality in Japan and Norway. Same but different? / Ed. by M. Ishii-Kuntz, G.K. Kristensen, P. Ringrose. – Abingdon, New York : Routledge, 2022. – XV, 235 p.

Пряжникова О.Н.


The reviewed monograph presents the results of re-search of the issues of gender inequality in Japan and Norway. An analysis of the features of gender manifestation in the family, division of labor within a household, education, academic environment, media, etc. enabled researchers to identify a number of similarities and differences in the field of gender equality between the two national cultures.


gender inequality; housework; childcare; masculinity; assisted reproduction; transgender people; Japan; Norway.

DOI: 10.31249/rsoc/2023.01.07

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