Cross-cultural management: goals, objectives and prospects of the study. (Literature review)

Rarenko A.A.


Cross-cultural management is a discipline that explores the relationships between culture and management or organizations. The focus of cross-cultural management is the concept of difference (or «otherness»), as objectively defined and / or experienced in interaction. Currently, economic and geopolitical changes have led to the fact that many large organizations hire employees who come from different ethnic communities, have different origins, follow different religions, lead different lifestyles; as a consequence, their life values may vary significantly. In order to avoid conflicts and to create a favorable at-mosphere in the team, to fulfill the tasks assigned to the organization and to achieve its goals, managers develop special management models that take into account the cultural characteristics of employees.


cross-cultural management; culture; interrelations between culture and management; difference; «otherness»; social behavior; values; management models.

DOI: 10.31249/rsoc/2023.01.04

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