The significance of the article is due to the creation of a holistic picture of comparative sociological studies of the sociocultural modernization of regions in the Russian Federation, which is undergoing intense changes. Effective social management is impossible without taking into account the individual sociocultural characteristics of each region and its modernization potential. The purpose of the article is to analyze academic publications within the framework of sociological discourse, which document the methodology and the results of comparative sociological studies of the sociocultural modernization of the regions of the Russian Federation in the 21 st century. The paper demonstrates two main groups of academic works, chronologically the first of which is based on the studies using the methodology of the anthroposocietal approach developed by N.I. Lapin. The second group includes articles and monographs based on the empirical studies of the state of modernization of Russian regions within the framework of the sociology of management and the sociology of organizations under the leadership of A.V. Tikhonov. It is concluded that the level of socio-cultural modernization of the region is one of the most important factors that determine various aspects of the life of its population as well as the prospects for the development of the territory.
comparative sociological research; anthroposocietal approach; regions of Russia; sociocultural modernization.