Starting from the data indicating a progressive replacement of real communication by Internet communication, the author considers the question of the degree of influence of the Internet environment not only on the configuration of social ties of citizens, but also on the degree of appropriation of urban space by them. The method of social mapping correlates data derived from mental maps of urban space (emotionally loaded places and places corresponding to the places of residence of loved ones, meetings with friends offline) with data obtained by the laying on interactive maps of the route of real movements according to the method of «yesterday». The informants (N=49) are junior students who are natives of Kaluga and visitors, which also caused the problematization of differences due to the housing status. A pronounced dependence of the breadth of the developed real space of the city on the quality of housing conditions and the number of people living together and a negative relationship between these living conditions and the number of real friends available to the student is revealed. Permanent residents of the city demonstrate a special tendency of movement, the radius of which is narrower the more virtual communication partners there are, and a worse quality of housing conditions increases the propensity for real communication, while a larger number of cohabiting people stimulates greater breadth and diversity of territorial behavior.
social mapping; mental map; travel route; friendship online and offline; housing.